Who am i?

Founder & writer: Annick Torres Stienissen
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona - Master of Science in Finance and Banking (in English) - 2020 – 2021
Grade: 9.14/10💥
Awarded with the Best 20-21 MSc Finance and Banking Master Thesis by the University Pompeu i Fabra (Correlation of cryptocurrencies: a dynamic investigation: 9.8/10, honors - Cum Laude💥)
Awarded by the University Pompeu i Fabra with a Talent Scholarship to course the Msc.
FHWien der WKW (University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication) - FH Wien der WKW , University of Applied Sciences - ERASMUS - 2019 – 2020
Grade: 9.6/10💥
Awarded by the Spanish Government with an academic-merit scholarship to study abroad, at FHWien der WKW (Vienna, Austria)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona - Business and Innovation Management (in English) TCM - (1st Ranked) - 2016 – 2020
Ranked first (promotion 2016/20) - Graduated with 15 Honors - Cum Laude💥
Distinction award from the Tecnocampus University - University Pompeu Fabra.
Degree thesis: Overconfidence and Decision Making in Financial Markets (lab experiment with University students - double auction market and overconfidence test: 9.2/10💥)
Financial Analyst (Risk Analyst) - Financial / European Lines at Beazley.
Finance and Accounting Tutor - Private lessons
International Sales & SIMs Product Manager
Block Founded in October 2019.